Jinshasan Ka Parv Hai Aaya Lyrics – Meaning & Significance of Paryushana Festival
Jainism celebrates various festivals, and among them, Paryushana stands as one of the most significant and sacred. This time of the year is filled with devotion, prayer, and reflection on the path of righteousness and peace. The song “Jinshasan Ka Parv Hai Aaya Lyrics” beautifully captures the essence of this festival. Let’s dive into the lyrics and understand the deeper meaning of the song.
Jinshasan Ka Parv Hai Aaya Lyrics – Full Song with Translation
जिनशासन का पर्व है आया,
पर्युषण जो कहलाया,
पर्वो का ये राजा है,
जो हर घर खुशियाँ है लाया..(१)
The festival of Jinshasan has arrived,
It is called Paryushana,
This is the king of all festivals,
Bringing joy to every home.
पुण्य कमाने का यह अवसर,
फिर से लौट के है आया,
प्रभु भक्ति की महकने जग को,
चंदन से है महकाया…(२)
This is the time to earn merits,
It has come again,
The fragrance of devotion spreads,
Like the scent of sandalwood.
हम मनाये पर्वाधिराज,
छोडे सारे काम काज,
अठ्ठम-अठ्ठाई करके हम,
पहनेंगे तप का ताज,
आभूषण है शूरवीरों का,
संयम सत्व को है प्रणाम,
अनुमोदना करते है,
ये तो है जिनशासन की शान…(३)
We celebrate the king of all festivals,
Leave aside all work,
By doing eightfold penance,
We will wear the crown of austerity,
The jewels of warriors,
We bow to the virtue of discipline,
This is the glory of Jinshasan.
The Essence of Jinshasan Ka Parv Hai Aaya Lyrics in Jainism
सूत्रों का सूत्र है कल्पसूत्र,
जो जैन धर्म सिखाता है,
वीर की जीवन गाथा से,
हमको यह राह दिखाता है,
प्रभुजी का है जन्म आया,
मंदिर हम सजाएंगे,
पालनाजी को झुलाके हम,
प्रभुजी को रिझाएंगे….(४)
The scripture of scriptures is the Kalp Sutra,
It teaches us the Jain religion,
Through the tales of the brave,
It shows us the path,
The Lord’s birth has arrived,
We will decorate the temple,
We will swing Palanaji,
And make the Lord happy.
सबसे बड़ा है वो एक दिन,
जो संवत्सरी कहलाया है,
क्षमा मांगना है सबसे,
जिनका दिल हमने दुखाया है,
क्षमा याचना जैन धर्म का सार है ये,
इसको तुम समज लेना,
धुकर सारे मन के मैल,
मिच्छा मि दुक्कडं कह देना….(५)
The greatest day is that one,
Which is called Samvatsari,
We must seek forgiveness from everyone,
Whose hearts we have hurt,
Forgiveness is the essence of Jainism,
Understand this well,
Wipe away all the dirt of the mind,
And say “Michchhami Dukkadam.”
Why “Jinshasan Ka Parv Hai Aaya Lyrics” is Essential for Paryushana Celebrations
The primary message of “Jinshasan Ka Parv Hai Aaya Lyrics” is to embrace Jain principles of forgiveness, compassion, and virtue. The song reinforces the significance of Paryushana, a festival that marks the start of spiritual awakening and repentance for Jains. The lyrics urge devotees to purify their hearts and actions, ask for forgiveness, and perform penance for their past deeds.
By embracing forgiveness, Jains believe they can cleanse themselves of their sins and move towards a peaceful and righteous life. The song also highlights the importance of following the Kalp Sutra, a sacred text that guides followers toward spiritual awakening and self-realization.
Conclusion – Embrace Jainism and Paryushana with “Jinshasan Ka Parv Hai Aaya Lyrics”
The song “Jinshasan Ka Parv Hai Aaya Lyrics” beautifully encapsulates the devotion, spirituality, and rituals associated with Paryushana. It calls upon every Jain to reflect on their actions, seek forgiveness, and walk the path of righteousness and peace. For anyone looking to understand the deep significance of Paryushana and Jain festivals, this song serves as a perfect guide to understanding the essence of Jainism.
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