Punyanu Poshan Papanu Shoshan Lyrics – Jain Bhajan Celebrating Paryushan

Punyanu Poshan Papanu Shoshan Lyrics

Punyanu Poshan Papanu Shoshan Lyrics – Jain Bhajan for Paryushan Festival

The Punyanu Poshan Papanu Shoshan Lyrics are sung during the Paryushan festival, a time of deep reflection, spiritual practice, and devotion for the Jain community. This bhajan conveys key teachings of Jainism through a melody that emphasizes self-purification and devotion.

The song highlights the importance of spiritual practices, including prayers, penance, and worship, during Paryushan. It inspires Jain devotees to lead a life of righteousness, focusing on forgiveness, self-control, and compassion.

Punyanu Poshan Papanu Shoshan Lyrics

पुण्यनुं पोषण पापनुं शोषण,
पर्व पजुसण पामीजी
कल्प घरे पधरावो स्वामी,
नारी कहे शिर नामीजी;
कुंवर गयवर खंधे चढावी,
ढोल निशान वजडावोजी
सद्दगुरु संगे चढते रंगे,
वीरचरित्र सुणावोजी। (१)

प्रथम वखाणे धर्मसारथीपद,
बीजे सुपना चारजी,
त्रीजे सुपन पाठक वळी,
चोथे वीर जनम अधिकारजी;
पांचमे दीक्षा छट्टे शिवपद,
सातमे जिन त्रेवीशजी,
आठमे थिरावली संभळावी,
पियूडा पूरो जगीशजी। (२)

छड अट्ठम अठ्ठाई कीजे,
जिनवर चैत्य नमीजे जी,
वरसी पडिक्कमणुं मुनि वंदन,
संघ सयल खामीजेजी;
आठ दिवस लगे अमर पळावी,
दान सुपात्रे दीजेजी,
भद्रबाहु गुरु वयण सुणीने,
ज्ञान सुधारस पीजेजी। (३)

तीरथमां विमलाचल गिरिमां,
मेरु महीधर जेमजी,
मुनिवरमांहि जिनवर मोटा,
पर्व पजुसण तेमजी;
अवसर पामी साहम्मिवच्छल,
बहु पकवान्न वडाइजी,
खिमाविजय जिन देवी सिद्धाइ,
दिन दिन अधिक वधाइजी। (४)

Why “Punyanu Poshan Papanu Shoshan Lyrics” Matter

The Punyanu Poshan Papanu Shoshan bhajan is an essential Jain devotional song sung during the Paryushan festival. It speaks about the significance of purifying one’s soul and performing religious duties. This bhajan is a reminder to Jain devotees to engage in self-purification, forgiveness, and the practice of virtue during the festival.

The lyrics emphasize spiritual growth, penance, service, and devotion to Jain teachings. Through a mix of devotion and discipline, it guides Jains in living a life that honors the principles of truth, compassion, and self-control.

This song, like many other Jain bhajans, helps foster a sense of community spirit and religious dedication among Jain devotees during the Paryushan festival.

Looking for more lyrics of Jain bhajans? Explore a wide collection of devotional songs on our site. Delve deeper into the spiritual journey with our diverse selection of Jain bhajans.

Author: Jain Sattva
Jain Sattva writes about Jain culture. Explore teachings, rituals, and philosophy for a deeper understanding of this ancient faith.

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