If you are looking for the lyrics of “Aaye Hai Hum Tere Charno Mein Lyrics,” you are in the right place. This beautiful bhajan captures the devotion and heartfelt prayer to the divine.
Here are the complete lyrics of the song, making it easy for you to sing along and immerse yourself in the spiritual experience.
Lyrics: Aaye Hai Hum Tere Charno Mein
तेरे चरणो मे आये. भगवान आशा लेके आये है |
Tere Charno me, Bhagvan Aasha Leke Aaye Hai
तेरे चरणो मे आये. भगवान आशा लेके आये है |
Tere Charno me, Bhagvan Aasha Leke Aaye Hai
तेरे चरणो मे आये. भगवान आशा लेके आये है ।
Tere Charno me, Bhagvan Aasha Leke Aaye Hai
सुधर जाये प्रभु जीवन, ये इच्छा लेके आये है ॥
Sudhar Jaye Prabhu Jeevan, Ye Iccha Leke Aaye Hai
न आवे भाव हिंसा का वचन हितकर सदा बोले ।
Na Aave Bhav Hinsa Ka Vachan Hitkar Sada Bole
शील संतोष मय जीवन की वांछा लेके आये है ॥
Sheel Santosh May Jeevan Ki Vancha Leke Aaye Hai
तेरे चरणो मे ॥1
Tere Charno Mein
सभी से प्रेम हो, हमको नही व्देष द्रुष्टो से ।
Sabhi Se Prem Ho, Humko Nahi Dwesh Drushto Se
भाव दुऽखियो पे हम अपना दया को लेके आये है ॥
Bhav Dukkhiyo Pe Hum Apna Daya Ko Leke Aaye Hai
तेरे चरणो मे ॥2
Tere Charno Mein
काम और क्रोध की अग्नि हमारी शांत हो भगवन ।
Kaam Aur Krodh Ki Agni Hamari Shant Ho Bhagvan
लोभ, मद मोह मर्दन की सुचिता लेके आये है ॥
Lobh, Mad Moh Mardan Ki Suchita Leke Aaye Hai
तेरे चरणो मे ॥3
Tere Charno Mein
रहे नित भाव समताका, न ममता हो हमे तन से ।
Rahe Nit Bhav Samtaka, Na Mamta Ho Hame Tan Se
सफल शिवराम हो, कामना लेके आये है ॥
Saphal Shivaram Ho, Kamna Leke Aaye Hai
तेरे चरणो मे ॥4
Tere Charno Mein
Meaning of Aaye Hai Hum Tere Charno Mein Lyrics
Understanding the meaning behind the lyrics enhances the devotional experience. Here’s the meaning of each verse of the bhajan “Aaye Hai Hum Tere Charno Mein.”
तेरे चरणो मे आये. भगवान आशा लेके आये है |
Tere Charno me, Bhagvan Aasha Leke Aaye Hai
We have come to your feet, O Lord, with hopes and aspirations.
सुधर जाये प्रभु जीवन, ये इच्छा लेके आये है ॥
Sudhar Jaye Prabhu Jeevan, Ye Iccha Leke Aaye Hai
We wish that our lives improve, O Lord, and we have come with this desire.
न आवे भाव हिंसा का वचन हितकर सदा बोले ।
Na Aave Bhav Hinsa Ka Vachan Hitkar Sada Bole
May feelings of violence never arise in us; may we always speak words of kindness.
शील संतोष मय जीवन की वांछा लेके आये है ॥
Sheel Santosh May Jeevan Ki Vancha Leke Aaye Hai
We aspire to lead a life filled with virtue and contentment.
सभी से प्रेम हो, हमको नही व्देष द्रुष्टो से ।
Sabhi Se Prem Ho, Humko Nahi Dwesh Drushto Se
May we have love for everyone and not harbor hatred towards anyone.
भाव दुऽखियो पे हम अपना दया को लेके आये है ॥
Bhav Dukkhiyo Pe Hum Apna Daya Ko Leke Aaye Hai
We have brought our compassion to help those who are suffering.
काम और क्रोध की अग्नि हमारी शांत हो भगवन ।
Kaam Aur Krodh Ki Agni Hamari Shant Ho Bhagvan
O Lord, may the fires of lust and anger within us be extinguished.
लोभ, मद मोह मर्दन की सुचिता लेके आये है ॥
Lobh, Mad Moh Mardan Ki Suchita Leke Aaye Hai
We seek purity by overcoming greed, pride, and attachment.
रहे नित भाव समताका, न ममता हो हमे तन से ।
Rahe Nit Bhav Samtaka, Na Mamta Ho Hame Tan Se
May we always have a feeling of equality and not be attached to our bodies.
सफल शिवराम हो, कामना लेके आये है ॥
Saphal Shivaram Ho, Kamna Leke Aaye Hai
We come with the wish for the success and blessings of Lord Shiva and Rama.
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