Yeh Vidhi Mangal Aarti Lyrics – Devotional Jain Aarti

Yeh Vidhi Mangal Aarti Lyrics

Yeh Vidhi Mangal Aarti Lyrics and Meaning

The hymn “Yeh Vidhi Mangal Aarti” is a devotional Jain Aarti that glorifies the divine and seeks blessings for spiritual and moral upliftment. The lyrics detail various aspects of devotion and reverence towards the divine entities in Jainism.

Full Lyrics:

Yeh Vidhi Mangal Aarti Kijje – Aarti

यह विधि मंगल आरती कीजै,
Yah Vidhi Mangal Aarti Kijje,

पंच परम पद भज सुख लीजै।
Panch Param Pad Bhaj Sukh Leejje.

प्रथम आरती श्री जिनराजा,
Pratham Aarti Shri Jinraja,

भवदधि पार उतार जिहाजा ॥ यह विधि ॥
Bhavdhi Paar Utar Jihaja ॥ Yah Vidhi ॥

दूजी आरती सिद्धन केरी,
Dooji Aarti Siddhan Keri,

सुमरत करत मिटे भव फेरी ॥ यह विधि ॥
Sumrat Karat Mite Bhav Feri ॥ Yah Vidhi ॥

तीजी आरती सूर मुनिंदा,
Teeji Aarti Soor Muninda,

जनम-मरण दुःख दूर करिंदा ॥ यह विधि ॥
Janam-Maran Dukh Door Karinda ॥ Yah Vidhi ॥

चौथी आरती श्री उवझाया,
Chauthi Aarti Shri Uvjhaya,

दर्शन करत पाप पलाया ॥ यह विधि ॥
Darshan Karat Paap Palaya ॥ Yah Vidhi ॥

पाँचवीं आरती साधु तुम्हारी,
Panchvi Aarti Sadhu Tumhari,

कुमति विनाशन शिव अधिकारी ॥ यह विधि ॥
Kumati Vinashan Shiv Adhikari ॥ Yah Vidhi ॥

छठी ग्यारह प्रतिमा धारी,
Chhathi Gyarah Pratima Dhari,

श्रावक बंदू आनंद कारी ॥ यह विधि ॥
Shravak Bandhu Anand Kari ॥ Yah Vidhi ॥

सातवीं आरती श्री जिनवाणी,
Saatvi Aarti Shri Jinvani,

धानत स्वर्ण मुक्ति सुखदानी ॥ यह विधि ॥
Dhanat Swarn Mukti Sukhdani ॥ Yah Vidhi ॥

संजा करके आरती कीजे,
Sanja Karke Aarti Kijje,

अपनो जनम सफल कर लीजे ॥ यह विधि ॥
Apno Janam Safal Kar Leejje ॥ Yah Vidhi ॥

सोने का दीपक, रत्नों की बाती,
Sone Ka Deepak, Ratnon Ki Bati,

आरती करूँ मैं, सारी-सारी राती ॥ यह विधि ॥
Aarti Karun Main, Saari-Saari Rati ॥ Yah Vidhi ॥

जो कोई आरती करे करावे
Jo Koi Aarti Kare Karave

सो नर-नारी अमर पद पावे ॥ यह विधि ॥
So Nar-Nari Amar Pad Paave ॥ Yah Vidhi ॥

Exploring the Meaning:

“Yeh Vidhi Mangal Aarti” translates to “This Method of Auspicious Aarti.” This Aarti celebrates the divine and seeks blessings for spiritual and moral upliftment. Each verse of the Aarti is dedicated to different aspects of divinity and righteousness in Jainism.

  • Pratham Aarti Shri Jinraja: The first Aarti is dedicated to the Tirthankaras, seeking their blessings to cross the ocean of worldly existence.
  • Dooji Aarti Siddhan Keri: The second Aarti is for the Siddhas, whose remembrance dispels the cycle of birth and death.
  • Teeji Aarti Soor Muninda: The third Aarti honors the saints who alleviate the suffering of birth and death.
  • Chauthi Aarti Shri Uvjhaya: The fourth Aarti venerates the Uvarya, whose sight purifies sins.
  • Panchvi Aarti Sadhu Tumhari: The fifth Aarti is dedicated to the monks, who destroy ignorance and guide towards liberation.
  • Chhathi Gyarah Pratima Dhari: The sixth Aarti praises those who uphold the eleven vows, bringing joy to the community.
  • Saatvi Aarti Shri Jinvani: The seventh Aarti celebrates the Jinavani (teachings of the Tirthankaras), which bestows ultimate happiness and liberation.

The final verses encourage the performance of Aarti with devotion, promising spiritual fulfillment and eternal bliss to those who participate.


“Yeh Vidhi Mangal Aarti” is more than just a devotional song; it is a profound expression of faith and reverence in Jainism. The Aarti encapsulates the essence of spiritual practices and the transformative power of divine blessings, making it an integral part of Jain worship.

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Author: Jain Sattva
Jain Sattva writes about Jain culture. Explore teachings, rituals, and philosophy for a deeper understanding of this ancient faith.

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